
Friday, 22 October 2021

Unit 3 Math

We covered a lot this unit, and I was really impressed with everyones effort.  Our topics were;  Reading and Understanding Whole Numbers, Percentages, and Pattern & Algebra. 

To extend the students who needed challenging, we also started to explore Parallel, an online program for students that challenges and extends their mathematical thinking skills. 

For students that needed extra practice, we used Google Classroom to access online math games and posters that helped to build on their conceptual understanding. 

Sunday, 10 October 2021

2021-2022 Unit 2


Grade 6 students began a new class reading Fuzzy Mud. We continued to engage the reading through literature circles. This term, we focused on the reading skill of writing objective summaries and the writing genres of biographies.


We started this unit off by discussing the different ways that humans have adapted to their environment both physically and behaviorally. Students made adaptation brochures to show their understanding.

For their summative, students were divided into groups and chose from three different environments: artic, desert, and swamp. Then, they were to construct a house where humans could survive in their chosen environment.


Grade 6 and grade 7 students went to buy magazines from a homeless vendor of The Big Issue. This field trip tied into their previous units about beliefs and global citizenship. 


Grade 6 continue to work hard on their PYP Exhibitions. Each student has already created their central idea and first line of inquiry. They are in the process of conducting research and creating an artifact related to their first line of inquiry.

Friday, 18 June 2021

2021-2022 Unit 1


Grade 6 covered the following concepts this term:
  • Reading skill: Making inferences
  • Writing: Narrative
  • Grammar: Abstract nouns

Students are working on "The Great Garbage Mystery." This was a fun activity that allowed students to make inferences about a fictional family based on clues found in their "garbage."

This picture shows students presenting their wordless books. They had to create stories using only images. Each student was assigned a partner and their partner wrote a story based on inferences made from the images.

Students wrote a story as a group about a bearded baby.


Grade 6 learned about the different beliefs that are held within various societies. First, we discussed the various types of beliefs that people could have. Then, we talked about controversial beliefs held within society. Finally, students initiated a campaign based on their personal beliefs. Also, grade 6 has begun working on their PYP Exhibition projects.

These images shows students doing research on the issue that they would like to help change.

Once students did research on their topic, they were to create a slideshow and present their findings to various classes. Also, they were to explain their campaign to their schoolmates.

                                            Several groups decided to sell hand-made items.


For their summative assessment, each group planned and executed a campaign that aligned with their group's shared beliefs. Each group decided to do a fund raiser in the gym; so, we did a collective fundraiser in the gym. We invited students from other grades to come and support us. Grade 6 was very excited to raise money for their respective causes.

In alignment with World Math Day and our current unit of study, grade 6 students collected data from primary students and teachers about their beliefs on various topics. After collecting the data, they analyzed it and created visual representations using graphs.


Grade 7 was eager to be "senpais" to grade 6 students for their PYP Exhibition. Grade 6 discussed their preliminary questions and ideas in small groups with their senpais. Grade 7 was very helpful in helping their "kohais" come up with ideas.