
Friday, 14 September 2018

Week of September 10, 2018

This was a great week for grades 6 and 7!

Since this is my first week working directly with the students, we did an introductory activity where students created all about me flags.

Student All About Me Flags

For English, we began our unit on fantasy. We discussed the characteristics of fantasy characters. Students researched and created PowerPoint presentations on different fantasy characters and the characteristics they have that are typical of this literary genre.

For science, the students received an overview of the characteristics of living things. This week, we specifically focused on response to stimuli. To demonstrate their understanding of this, students worked in groups to create response to stimuli skits.

For social studies, students began to learn the foundational skills necessary to be good historians. So, the students discussed how we learn about the past. In order to make this skill more personal, students created and presented time-capsules and the other students were to create a conclusion about what each item said about the presenting student. Also, students learned the difference between primary and secondary sources.

Presentation of time-capsules

Please look for homework next week in the form of a choice board. Also, the students are expected to continue a daily reading log.

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